Thursday, December 13, 2012

Self-Reflection English Class

                                                   My Journey through English 1B

              Writing is a process that takes lots of time, commitment, and understanding to really help us develop our ideas and put them on paper. Through this English class I have learned about a lot of valuable topics which have helped increased my knowledge about the history of California and were informative on me becoming a more aware member of our society. The different literary devices structured around the theme of California helped me to really push the boundaries of my thinking to question and analyze so I can become a better writer. The most important things, I learned in this class was questioning while reading and using different forms of free writing to become a better critical thinker and writer.   
            I have learned that reading is something that we do in every aspect of our lives. It ranges from reading a book or article, to reading a movie or play, and even billboard signs that that have a whole story behind them. It is very important to question the reading because it helps to better understand the meaning of the different reading devices. By having a written dialogue through annotation with the readings we can create ideas that help us to create a more in-depth analysis and focus on our main points. Critical thinking is one of the most important parts of reading because you set aside your preconceived notions and ideas on a topic by looking at it through a more broader lens that doesn’t constrict our understanding in one area but helps to combine different ideas to come to common understanding.
            The writing process of creating outlines of  “before, during and after” helped to organize my ideas so I was able to write in a more effective manner. I learned that writing requires a lot of free writing, reviewing and constant re-construction so that the final product can easily flow and have good cohesion. The in-class grading of essays helped to understand how an essay is viewed and graded which is something that will be useful in all of my other classes. It taught me to review my final essay in a way that focuses separately on the essay as a whole, the paragraph level and finally the sentence level. It was a very difficult process because having to critically break down the essay into parts and finding the theme of each paragraph while making sure it related to the main thesis was something I had never done before in my reviews. It helped me to combine my sentences so the structure of the paragraph looked better, as well as creating a stronger thesis that helped my writing improve as a whole.
            Throughout this class, I have learned through the different reading and writing that it is very important to stay focused and on task when writing. I tend to have a really difficult time starting my essays because there are so many ideas and possibilities floating around in my head that I get distracted on how to separate the important from the unimportant. The topics in this class, that had such similar themes relating to California taught me that even though a topic might be related the ideas and responses vary in a number of ways so it helps to expand our thinking on a subject teaching me that there are a number of different types of essays that can be written because the articles or readings are different and so the theme will change.
            Overall, I feel I accomplished a lot in this course and am a lot more confident in me reading and writing skills. I have learned to really understand what it means to read and write by questioning and breaking apart articles to get a more in-depth meaning using the different skills I learned in this class. I really enjoyed taking this class because it not only helped me as a writer but also taught me so many new things about California making me appreciate this state and all the great things it has to offer.

Multiculture Clash

                                           Culture Clash in the Golden State
California has attracted people from around the globe largely due to vast opportunities in education, business and a hope for a better future. This has caused a growth of immigrants from different states and countries to arrive in California creating a diverse and multicultural society. Although, California is portrayed as being very harmonious and having adapted comfortably to variety of cultures, tensions still exist along the coasts of the state. With different cultures and background coming together in one place it is probable that not everyone may get along. With such a mixture of culture it’s resulted in what I feel is an identity crisis for people unable to balance their own cultures with the different cultures that the state has to offer them. This multicultural identity crisis is explained through the three different genres of art, novel “American Son” by Brian Roly Ascalon, movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis and play “Bordertown” by Culture Clash. All of these literary pieces express how multiculturalism and identity crisis leads to misunderstandings between different races creating racism and stereotypes. This problem is improving but still has a long way to go before California can truly be a mosaic of cultures.
            In the first literary piece, the novel “American Son” by Brain Roly Ascalon we are presented with the most common difficulty that immigrants face in a multicultural society of trying to find their own identity and being accepted. This novel gives us an in-depth perspective into the conflicted emotions and everyday struggles into the lives of two teenage boys, Tomas and Gabe, who are half Caucasian and half Filipino living in Los Angeles area and clashing between two different cultures trying to find their identity. Their Filipino mother, Ika, came to American in the hopes of providing them with a more pleasant life than the one she experienced as a child in the Philippines. But, her dream is shown to be unsuccessful as she is working multiple jobs paying for her home and taking care of her sons with no support from her Caucasian husband who left her after a drunken night where he called her “meek and obedient” and insulted her further to the point that Tomas threw him out of the house because of the disrespect his father showed his mother. Ika, is sadly never able to become an accepted part of American society because she is continuously judged by her brown-skinned Asian appearance and overlooked most time as someone who is un-American because her English isn’t perfect and she is seen as weak throughout the novel.
            Consequently, this wrongful treatment of their mother causes the boys, Tomas and Gabe to feel as if their culture is too weak to be acknowledged and displayed. Tomas chooses to deny his Filipino culture completely by going through different extreme stages, first as a white surfer when “he even bought a board…put Sun-In in his hair, though instead of turning blonde it went all red” trying to completely transform himself into this “ideal” image portrayed by Hollywood media as being the norm and cool to feel accepted. This, however didn’t last long and soon he starts hanging out with Mexicans, which gives him a feeling of power and control and finally a place where he feels he belongs and is feared and respected. This is the culture that he chooses to adopt by dressing as a gangster, shaving his head bald, having tattoos all over his body, the most prominent one of the “Virgin of Guadalupe” that covers his entire back. Even though, he is Caucasian and Filipino neither of these cultures are the ones that he feels he fits in because of the community he lives in. Asians are considered weak and Caucasians are portrayed to be living in rich areas and successful which he isn’t. So, to feel in control in his neighborhood he chooses Mexican culture which is different than both of his own but helps makes him feel superior. This shows that culture can be chosen and doesn’t have to be related to ones ethnicity because of the need to fit into a place.
            On the other hand, Tomas’s brother Gabe is described as a dutiful, caring Filipino son who works hard in school and is trying to hold on to his Filipino heritage. But his inability to be proud of his Caucasian and Filipino cultures causes him in to be limbo of what his true identity really is causing him to questions his backgrounds. His uncertainty of where he belong causes him to be ashamed of Asians and his mother addressing her at one point as “his maid” to a tow truck driver because he is embarrassed to admit she is his mother. Another scene in the novel, shows the early foreshadowing of Gabe’s crumbling connection to his heritage as he walks with his mother down a pedestrian street where he recalls,” The times I have been here with Tomas, people always step aside…But, now my mother steps out of other people’s paths and I do too.” This scenes tone is very hard-edge and full of anger at having been treated by passerby’s as if they were nobody’s. His increased interaction with his brother, helping him to deliver guard dogs at an increased price to rich people, shows an image of California that is full of deception and superficialness. These traits are also becoming apparent in Gabe because he ends up disregarding everything he believed in when he beats a guy up with brother, and feels a “rush not of anxiety but of confidence” which is changed from how he felt in the beginning of the novel of disgust over his brother violent acts and lies but now has joined in on himself.
            This novel, “American Son” shows the realities most immigrants face when arriving in California. The depiction that California is a place of beauty and peace is greatly contrasted in the novel showing the underlying violence and mental torment of two young brothers identified as Filipinos who are trying to fit into a different culture because they feel Filipino’s aren’t treated as highly. They struggle with their identities finally settling on Mexican culture which gives them power and control. It is the driving force of fitting into a dominant culture that causes loss in ancestral heritage causing identity conflict.  This novel shows how race and color still impact how one is consciously and subconsciously forced to change to feel accepted.
            This dilemma of being treated based solely on your race and color is further defined visually through the movie “Crash” by Paul Higgs and displays how different cultures  affects our perception and stereotypes of people in a diverse society. The movie begins with seven different characters, with various backgrounds, being woven together through a number of racist, misunderstood, and prejudiced events that change their lives forever. The movie opens up with Wealthy Caucasian Jean having been robbed by two black men, and at  her home tense over the recent situation she disrespects the Mexican locksmith, Ruiz, who is changing locks on her home of being a gang member because of her distrust of people of color which she feels are all liars, stealers, and cheats. Later on in the movie, Middle-Easterner Farhad, store owner, also wrongfully blames Ruiz for having robbed and trashed his store and in a rage of anger goes to kill him and Ruiz daughter gets in the way and almost dies in the process, but thankfully there was no bullet in Fahad’s gun. This scene was really powerful because on two separate occasions the locksmith was stereotyped as being a gang member because of tattoos and appearances when in fact he was the most pure guy throughout the whole movie. Ruiz’s daughter is symbolized as “farishta”-guardian angel, to Farhad who thanks God for saving him from committing a terrible crime. This stereotyping of Mexican locksmith shows how harmful stereotyping is in reality because it can lead to negative consequences. It also shows how some people we stereotype could possibly be the ones to help you when you are distressed.
Another powerful scene which displays how stereotyping can affect the way we react to people is the car accident between Officer Johnson and Kim Lee. They get into an argument over brake lights where Kim Lee says, “Mexicans don’t know how to drive. She blake to fast,” and Officer Johnson replied, “I blake too fast?I blake too fast? Maybe you no see my blake lights. I stop when I see long line of cars in front of me. Maybe you see over your steering wheel you blake too.” Based on each other’s appearances, they form prejudice leading to stereotype of each other’s race by referring to Asian people as too short and unable to speak English properly and Mexicans as being aggressive and bad drivers. Furthermore, this crash could be metaphorical description of the lifestyle of California, especially the big cities where there is dense population of mixed cultures and people are more prone to run into each other and state stereotypes over little incidents. The quote by Officer Graham makes one question our busy lives that we forget we are even surrounded by people who have feelings, “In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.”  I feel like the “metal and glass” is a wall that we put up for people because we are insecure within ourselves and are unable to feel confidence in accepting other cultures because we aren’t willing to accept new things. It’s a possibility that causes people in the city to stay distant from one another only focusing on themselves creating a disconnection between the different cultures surrounding them.
            This movie does a very powerful job of showing how a number of different incidents lead to a “crash” of racism and cultural bias in such diversified city. It presents to us the reality that people in multicultural society have to deal with on a daily basis and that everyone goes through struggle of misconception and stereotyping but at the end of the day we all share the same hopes and sorrows. The character in this movie show us that the world is muddle of thoughts and feelings which if not carefully observant of our choice of words and ideas of other races can lead to a domino effect where people do and have gotten hurt. The movie ends with a scene of fire blazing, which seems to symbolize the century old turmoil of war and death before something new is formed. It reminds us too not be so consumed within ourselves and that humans are small compared to the world which can destroy us any minute. 
            The final literary piece is the play “Bordertown” by Culture Clash, a comedy group that uses satire to raise awareness of all the issues surrounding multiculturalism. It combines all of the above stereotypes, racism, insecurities, misunderstanding, and need for acceptance at one location, the border between San Diego and Tijuana. The relationship between these two cultures is described through a couple, the women being Tijuana and the man being San Diego in a very powerful scene where the man says, “I do love her and I need her, but I am embarrassed of her. I’m secretive. I take advantage of her…” It shows how much these two cultures rely on one another but are forced to be separate, creating boundaries because no matter how much we adore the thrill of new cultures and experience we have to be fully accepting of their differences without causing them to change to really appreciate a more mixed society.
            All of these different forms of literary devices show us similar issues that come along with living in a multicultural society in California. Every author and character has a story that helps us to understand the different situations and interactions that various cultures have to work through to come to a form of coexistence. It helps us to recognize that even though California is a very multicultural society it doesn’t mean that it is perfect. We all have our flaws, where we misjudge, stereotype, and create conflicts but also a sense of hope that someday we will all be judged on our humanity with no other labels to create barriers between one another. Also, it is when we are aware of our own differences and ability to get past ignorance that we become more accepting of other cultures and can build an even stronger and integrated society.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Native American Poetry and History

                                       Native American Past and Present
         California was discovered by the European Conquerors in the 16th Century. Before the European arrival, Native Americans had been living in California where they had formed a vast understanding of the land relying on oral history passed down through generations. California, home to Native-Americans, was thought by the Europeans as savage and needing to be “civilized.” Through the poems “Indian Cartography” by Deborah Miranda and “The First” by Gary Soto we are given an insight into the terrible injustice that Native Americans were forced to endure by having their lifestyle and land taken away from them by the Europeans. Indian Cartography gives us one man’s wistful insight through his personal memories into Native-American life whereas “The First” takes us back to the early interactions with the Europeans which were harsh and unforgivable. Both of these poems display similarities of feeling sad, remembering the past and what has been lost to form a new world in California.  Both these poems share common theme of having to cope with reality and adapting to changes in their lives while having contrasting tones and structures to describe the Native Culture.
           “The First” by Gary Soto describes the beginning of Native American contact with European conquerors which created a difficult future for Native Americans. Europeans taking control of Native American land and forcing them to move their homes and families is described vividly through the description of “Villagers undid/Their houses/Thatch by Thatch/And unplucked/The stick fences/That held grief”. Their homes and communities were destroyed by this process because they relied on one another to work and help each other. With everyone being separated the elders in their family are unable to pass down the history which will create a loss of attachment to the culture for the future generation. This suffering is also depicted in “Indian Cartography”  through the father’s memory of a past filled with “…shadows/of a people who are fluid/fluent in dark water, bodies/long and glinting with sharp-edged jewelry/and mouth still opening and closing” describing the destruction and death that likely occurred when they Natives lost their land. They were forced out of their own homes by the government “that paid those Indians to move away” and fought continuously to be given their rights and freedom back.
          This destruction didn’t just stop with the Native people but was also done to the land they held so sacred. Both of these poems describe the affect that changing the land and hurting the animals caused the Native Americans to further suffer. Watching their land being destroyed, polluted, and abused was disturbing their link with nature. The Natives believed that nature and animals were a blessing and should be treated accordingly. “The First” displays to us the wrongful treatment of animals, being used and discarded only for monetary gain, a prize for the rich,”…Iguana/Being stretched/Into belts/The beaver curling/Into handbags”. These stanzas also seem to be a sort of metaphor to the Native Indians becoming disconnected to the animals and land because they were being destroyed and unable to keep their bond strong.” Indian Cartography” similarly describes to us a scenario where rivers were being made by man like “Lake Cachuma, created when they/dammed the Santa Ynez” showing us that altering the California land was altering their culture which was closely connected to nature. The father also “traces mountain ranges, rivers, county borders” that all connected to form his ancestral history. The rivers, paths, sacred sites and villages that once were spread out all over the California coast were disappearing with only memories that are not enough to keep the Native-American culture alive. The cities whose names are familiar to us, “Salinas, Los Angeles, Paso Robles/Ventura, Santa Barbara, Saticoy” the father in the poem is remembering them being filled with Native Indians whereas as now there are very few Natives left living in them. All of these lands are connected to the past history of Native-Americans which was their “bloodline” that told their story of how California came to be and are now gone not even shown on maps for anyone to remember except those with the memories of these places.
        Both of these poems emphasize on the how the land changing has resulted in a change of Native Americans cultural lifestyles. This urbanization of California has forced a people that were born and bred on this land to conform to what Europeans wanted life to be like. The Native-American history has been over-looked and the beauty of their culture re-shaped by urbanization and assimilation to “civilized” society. It is a loss that Native-Americans have been living and struggling with for years. The pain and suffering felt in the poems is further explained in detail in Chap 30 of “California: An Interpretive History” by James J. Rawles and Walton Beans. This chapter describes how California was a very diverse state where various other minorities also suffered from discrimination but “but the mistreatment of the Indians began earliest and was by far the worst. In California, as in other parts of the United States, the history of American treatment of the Indians in the nineteenth century was too often a sickening record of racist murder and sanctimonious fraud.” This continued conflict lasted throughout the twentieth century.The government, in the 1850s, was supposed to pass treaties that would give the Native more reservation land was never ratified.  Without their homeland to provide them with stability and security the Native Indians “were left to survive as best they could on the fringes of white settlement” where most of them died. It seemed that all hope was lost for Native Americans and it was too late to rebuild from so much they had lost. But, hope slowly grew overtime as is also apparent in “Indian Cartography” where the father’s strong hold on his memorable past helps him keep it alive and will that to be possible again. The father never gave up in the poem and neither did other Native Americans.
         Although both of the poems, “The First” by Soto and “Indian Cartography” by Miranda emphasize on similar things they also have contrasting tones. This contrast between the poems shows one view of hope for future and another of defeat. “The First” is filled with lots grief and a sense of hopelessness that is apparent throughout the poem.This poem is trying hard to stay aloof and stay strong for the Natives who have their spirits completely broken with all hope lost for their future “As the day opened/A smudge of its blue /They were the first/To leave, unnoticed /Without words /For it no longer/Mattered to say/The world was once blue”. The long breaks and pauses between the stanzas help the reader to focus in on the wording and feel the impact of each word by analyzing carefully. The helps us to really feel that the Native Indians in “The First” seem to having given up an accepted that this terrible misfortune that they faced can never be overcome. “Indian Cartography” tone, in contrast, is one of nostalgia, longing and hope that someday the future will bring back all that was wonderful and meaningful to the Native Indians. The author Miranda also uses the similar breaks in her writing to convey a more powerful effect as shown through the stanza, “my father’s boyhood: days/he learned to swim the hard way/and days he walked across the silver scales/swollen bellies of salmon coming back.” The poem uses the salmon as a metaphor for Native Americans to describe how the salmons as adult fish swim back to the rivers where they were born to create new life. The father dreams that one day his people will be able to return to their homes to start over as well. He has strong hope for the future that has possibility to change as long as Native Indians like him still remember their history and hope for the better.
         “The First” by Gary Soto and “Indian Cartography” by Deborah Miranda both have similarities that help us gain a more personal understanding of the lives and hopes of the Native Americans through their common struggle to overcome the drastic changes in their lives. It helps that Miranda’s poems was more of personal view on the effects that individual Native Indians faced on a daily level because we are able to personally connect and relate to the feelings that the father is going through. This poem when contrasted with the more historically general description that Soto provides helps us understand more holistically the lives of Native Indian people. Both of these poems show us the struggles that Native Indians went through culturally, socially and spiritually and how they have learned to cope with them along with the development of California. They were the first to live and dream of California as their home and we should honor and learn about the Native History because it is all of our history.

Voting on Propositions

Fallacious view of Prop 30
         Proposition 30 which will be an initiative on the November ballot requires a lot of information and understanding to decide to vote for or against the proposition. The proposition is mainly an increase on tax for people whose income is above 250,000 for seven years and a four year sales tax increase of ¼ cent that will affect everyone. It will increase revenue for state budget from 2018-2019 and increase school funding and public safety. This proposition if passed will greatly affect the future of education for the state of California. Opponents against the proposition passing are using arguments that don’t hold enough ground and are using fallacies to support their arguments. Many of these arguments have fallacies that are misunderstood and explained resulting in a misinformed idea of what Proposition 30 is about.
            Proposition 30 is going to increase tax but it’s temporary to help improve California education and economy. Arguments are being made by opponents, such as Columnist Debra Saunders," I fear it will drive golden geese out of state, sure most families earning $500,00 aren’t going to move over lousy $5,000 but moguls who make 20 times that and own multiple homes just might decide to migrate. And there go all their tax dollars.” This is a slippery slope fallacy that is assuming that wealthy people will move as a result of this proposition being passed which isn’t the case because many of these moguls have made their businesses in California and have helped build the Silicon Valley. These “lousy $5,000” that will be added to the states budget will in fact help increase revenue in this upcoming years. When you compare countries and even states who have higher taxes they are better society. Countries with low tax have been unable to provide the right type of education and work for their people. With this increase in tax we are increasing our states chance to improve, given seven years.
            If this proposition doesn’t pass the condition of education will get worse before getting a chance to improve. The voter guide states that, “In the last four years alone, our schools have been hit with $20 billion in cuts, over $30,000 fewer teachers and class sizes that are among the largest in the country.”  In the next yearstate will reduce spending of about $6 billion to education programs and this will cause students to take longer to complete their studies and even longer for them to join the workforce and create new possible businesses and innovations to help our state revenue grow.  The seven year income tax will be able to help students graduate faster in four to five years and if not supported will be stuck in this situation were students will be taking six-seven years just to graduate because universities are accepting less students and don’t have enough classes and teachers to teach.
            Molly Munger, is an opponent of prop 30 who is pushing voters to support prop 38 because it is, “ the main engine we have for social mobility and opportunity in our society, K-12 Schools.  But, how is it logically going to create revenue in our state if we only support K-12 education when Prop 30 will be helping K-12, colleges and Universities as well as public safety funding. Molly Munger also hastily generalizes that, “under our proposal, virtually all the cuts that schools have suffered in the last four years would be restored-and under the governors initiative, virtually none would be.” There is no possible way that can happen because Prop38 isn’t going to be allocating revenue to colleges and universities. Colleges and Universities are the focus of the future because they are creating future workers and without them the state will lose a lot.
            One of the biggest issues that opponents are having with prop 30 is they are concerned that it is just a “$50 Billion Political “Shell Game”—But Doesn’t Guarantee New Funds for Schools.” The fact is that Universities and our education system will decline further because budgets will be cut and this is the only proposition that can help make a change. It is clearly stated in the voter guide that Prop 30 provides for mandatory audit, which insures fund only for schools and public safety and cannot be used for anything else. There are no hidden agendas being run by politicians because “the money raised for schools is directed into a special fund the legislature can’t touch and can’t be used for state bureaucracy.”
            Overall, Proposition 30 is offering hope to many students across the states that are trying to achieve a better future through education. It is also giving hope for better economy and revenue for state with this seven-year income tax and four year sales tax. If this hope is taken away because opponents on prop 30 are assuming that money wont given directly to education than that is something opponents should be focusing on. Making sure once passed that all the technicalities of using money for education is properly disbursed instead of closing the door completely on any chance of possibility for better future for California in these upcoming years. 

Hotel California

                                 Dreaming of “Hotel California”
       The journey to California has always been one of innocence and hope that inspired countless immigrants to travel by land, air and sea to experience it’s magic. It started off from the Gold Rush at Sutter’s Mill, where people came in search of instant success and gratification. “Hotel California” by Eagles is portraying an image of California that is obsessed with materialism and how it leads to disappointment of the hopes and dreams than many have when traveling to California. It is a cautionary warning to those that are awed by the false image of California unaware of the harsh reality that leaves men in a tortured state of desire for wealth, fame, success that will eventually lead them to self-destruction caused by greed.
           The first dreamers, that laid the foundation for California dreaming, in search for a better life was ruled by success transforming the way California was viewed world-wide. The Eagles, originally from the mid-west, were also pursuing the California dream of making it rich and becoming successful musicians. But many dreamers were not as successful in their climb to success as the Eagles. James J Rawls, “A People, A Place, A Dream” defines this by providing us of the paradoxes that have created California. The accounts of “Hundreds of diaries and reminisces extoll the charms…others speak of the painful contrast between California’s vaunted promises and it’s actual conditions.” The use of “shimmering light” in the poem portrays an image of guidance necessary to travel through California. Without this guidance or a sense of hope people might get lost in this vast land.
          “Hotel California” is a metaphor for the multitude of diverse international people that are arriving in the Golden State, which is open year-round and invites all that are interested. Many newcomers that arrive in California are in search of wealth and fame which distracts them from the true pleasures California has to offer. It is a place of peace and beauty that is overshadowed by struggle to get rich. The narrator is cautioning us to enter California by the ringing of “mission bell” which leads us to question if he’s making the right choice to go to California comparing it to “heaven or hell.” He’s not sure if his search for better life really was worth all the talk that’s coming from the unseen voices, of society, all around him. There is a false image that is portrayed of California being a “lovely place, such a lovely face” when in reality it covers for the fakeness of Hollywood, materialism, greed and lack of values.

            We are now led on our journey, by the speaker, who is welcomed by a woman “she” which could be a metaphor for “materialism” that is ruling California. This allure of materialism is defined by people that are living in California who are obsessed with expensive “Tiffany” jewelry that has their mind all “twisted”. The obsession for money is leading to contorted view on how to live life creating a California culture based on fakeness.  People are conforming to this mass image resulting in a loss of individuality and creating negative behaviors and desires in people. Girls from all over the world, mesmerized by the glittering images being fed to them by the media, are coming to try making it big in the movies as actors, dancers and singers. Materialism has led to purchasing Mercedes Benz and befriending “pretty, pretty boys” only for looks to boost one’s own ego. Happiness gained from simple things is being disregarded for who can dress the best and own the fanciest things. It’s not matter of one’s character that defines California anymore but who can show off their success and fame more blatantly It is a paradox resulting in lack of community and caring because everyone is only worried about themselves and they’re reaching for the stars on the boulevard. The stanza from “Californication” by Red Hot Chili Peppers describes the shallowness that California has rampantly promoted throughout the world by “Pay your surgeon very well/To break the spell of aging/Celebrity skin is this your skin/Or is that war your waging” (line 13-16). Many accounts show that people realize that living a life of materialism will never bring sense of peace and fulfillment in one’s life. The constant race for success caused many dreamers to regret their journey to California.
            The fourth stanza shifts to a haunting tone where comparison between past and present are made.  The year of 1969: Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, Ted Kennedy drove off bridge in Chappaquiddick, and the Woodstock festival began, shifted pop culture, music and society. It was a time of glorifying achievements, inspiration, creativity, and self-expression of individuality. It was a memorable past compared to the present which is lacking in such aspirations. California is being seen as a haunting shadow of what was and has been lost.  This awakens us to come to a realization remembering a time of happiness, in past where life was simpler and trying to forget how materialistic life has now become. California, the great, with its vast history of freedom, innovation, and ideas is being resorted to a state that is forcing people to change who they are and create “alibis” that will define them instead of their true selves.  People are at an uncertain stage in life where they are viewing their life though a “mirror” which symbolizes they are lost and searching for their identity. 

            California -culture of success, fame and greed- which people choose to take many times have led them to their downfall of misery. They are left with dreams shattered and just memories of a once happy, carefree life and have become “just prisoners here of our own device” (line 39). Once a land of freedom has now become a land that constricts their every thought and view. This portrayal of ending to California dream is similar to those of the many gold rush experienced by men that were left depressed and broke without making it rich, instead being left to yearn for the home and memories they left behind.  No matter how hard ones tries to escape the pull of California and its materialistic culture it is something that can’t be done.  This is the reality of California having been “programmed to receive” and once you have arrived you can choose to take a break but not leave permanently, “you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave”(line45). No matter where you go in the world the culture of California will always stay with you-it is embedded inside our self’s, impossible to separate now. The only ending to the California Dream is that of death, the end result of the chase for success and fame. It doesn’t matter if you achieved it or not that is where everyone will end up-in the grave.

California Dream

California has been a place for dreamers since the first account that mentioned the name “California” by Montalvo. It has since than taken form over a number of  historical events from the Gold Rush, to modern day technological era of Silicon Valley. California for me defines the opportunity of education, ability to form your own identity, experience a mix of different cultures and ethnicity that is impossible in most other places, and also enjoy so many different weathers and have different natural setting minutes from one another.
           Education is what drives majority of people to come to California because it opens up doors to success and prosperity. My parents were raised in Pakistan where their family was farm owners and workers. Majority of their income was achieved from doing labor work. It is very similar to Denise S. Spooner description of Iowans in the article, “A New Perspective on the Dream” where 62% of Iowans who chose to migrate from Iowa to California were either “…children or grandchildren of farmers.” They wanted to give their children a chance to choose their future based on their personal abilities rather than being constrained to family business. It is because of my parent’s hard work that I am motivated to make the best of what California offers from its free education to limitless supply of guidance. It wouldn't have been the same if I were raised in my home country. I wouldn’t have had any chance of succeeding and studying. I enjoy volunteering a lot and have been involved in teaching, campaigns, sports, and camps that wouldn’t have been possible in Pakistan. The government here is very supportive of its children and it should be a motivation for all too take advantage of it and find something they are passionate about. California has given so many children the opportunity to go to school and college and become a professional person. The value of education has increased immensely over the years as noted by the Silicon Valley that has brought so much more acknowledgment and respect in our society.
          Identity is an important part of growing in community that is so diverse in culture and race. It’s necessary for children to feel they belong to a certain group based on similarities and gain acceptance. It’s common growing up to experiment with the mix of groups that are made based on ones interest in sports, music, clothing style and economic level. I’ve noticed growing up in East Side San Jose that it didn't necessarily matter the amount of money your parents made but you did have to present yourself in a way that showed you were well-kept.  I remember in middle school trying to fit into a certain group as Jack Lopez in “Cholos and Surfers” was trying to assimilate himself into the identity of Surfer and not be known solely on his ethnicity. He wanted to identify himself with other Californians on a more social level, which for him was being a surfer.  This was possible for him by “…wearing baggy shorts, large Penny’s Towncraft T-shirts and go barefoot…” Today, if you want to fit it its also based on ones clothing. For example, my brothers enjoy basketball and having been playing for a number of years but it wasn't until high school that it became “necessary” for them to buy the newest basketball shoes that come out for each season or the newest ps3 NBA game so all their friends could get together and play it.
California has such a vast and unique blend of people from all walks of life and world that most times there isn't a need for anyone to travel and experience other cultures. California is probably the only place that celebrates multiple religious, ethnic, national holidays for Americans with international backgrounds. People from Asia, Africa, Russia, Europe all come here to gain freedom and acceptance without any restrictions from their government or neighbors. People are able to re-create themselves by choosing to keep and leave the things they like about their culture and others they don’t much care for. It is possible for Californians to embrace other cultures or religions as they like. No one is really judgmental as long as you make your choice and feels strongly about it. Live and let live is the motto.  But there is a sense of lacking in community that James J. Rawles explains, “Freedom from tradition leads to disorientation and rootlessness, tolerance attracts the unbalanced and antisocial.”  It is possibly true that at times when California was forming it was uncertain and changes were hard to accept.  My father has spoken many times about the stress of growing up in a small-town community where people constantly badger you on everything from the way you speak, dress, act, dress, etc. It seems my father’s negative experience as well other Iowans led to their settling in California and forming a very anti-community life-style.  It has affected how community and families interact with one another. Overtime though California has formed it’s own culture where traditions are blending with other cultures and forming new ones. It has grown along with its vast population.
I personally feel that the most wonderful thing about California is the landscape and environment.  I like being able to drive and see hills for miles along the bay area. I like being able to live close to city yet far enough that I don’t have to be overcome by the constant busy life of business people. As most of the articles we read stated California is filled with natural beauty that attracts many just by that alone.  James J. Rawls description of California is very true as the mere mention of California “…conjures up images of stunning natural beauty. Endless blue skies and spectacular seacoast…gentle hills and soaring mountains…” Many mid-westerners in America also traveled to California because they wanted to escape extreme hot or coldness of their states.  The beauty of California has been describes in movies, music, literature and images that led to increase allure of life in the valley is still very much alive today.
California is mix of emotions, ideas, thoughts, actions, freedom, opportunity and life-style that is still being dreamed about throughout the world. The California dream is visible based on the amount of international students that come to study in California compared to others states. It is a place for self-improvement, social acceptance, and most of all a place of learning for the motivated and dedicated. Most people if you ask about their Californian dream will reply that it has been fulfilled in ones aspect or another.  I say that my California dream is always changing and growing along with the change and growth of California itself. It is constantly on the move and some days you see the beauty of it and other times you may not but the dream is always there and never disappear.

Introduction to Self

 My name is Bushra and this is my blog for English 1B. I am a student, not born but raised in bay area or to be precise "Silicon Valley." I enjoy spending time with my younger brothers, exploring beaches, hiking, watching inspiring movies and teaching. I love working with children and hope someday to join the medical field and help children through that.